Martin had a solid black Asian dragon and a tribal one tattooed on his back and he asked us to integrate them and a Poly tattoo on his shoulder into a Polynesian design.
The real challenge was to blend the three styles in a balanced and harmonic way and we chose the Marquesan style for this as it is bold enough to match the style of the dragons while still providing thinner elements to contrast them.
This way we could complement the dragons while still letting them stand out.
The new lines follow the lines of the dragons and cross their path where we wanted to make some elements more promiment: the sun with a Marquesan cross, the turtle and the manta on top.
The complete tattoo represents thus a difficult path starting at the bottom and a warrior who faces it with his family until finally reaching balance, joy, health and freedom.
Elements for the warrior spirit are a centipede, spearheads, a stylized kena motif and shark teeth (adaptability, strength and protection).
A moray eel and the path of Kamehameha represent the difficulties faced while the tiki elements and the dragons are protector guardians.