The main elements of this legband tattoo requested by Stefano are a turtle on the front of the leg, an owl on the back and a tiki and a warrior on the sides, incorporated into two suns.
The turtle has a Marquesan cross on the shell between two fish hooks for balance and prosperity through adversities (the opposing waves on the front flippers), with the back flippers shaped by tiki hands to protect the family.
It´s also protected by the tiki on its side, in the center of a sun, and by the warrior on the other side (the upside down enata are defeated enemies while the coconut leaves above symbolize prosperity, and together they shape a second sun).
The owl includes an all-seeing eye to guard Stefano´s back with its wings made of ferns as a symbol of maturity, adding to the meaning of wisdom of the owl itself.
Along the bottom, two rows of birds (voyage) join the fish (abundance) while on top the motif below the mountains (stability) represents ancestors guarding upon the family.